Consultation 01 Feb 25 - Mladá Bolesav

The current project will develop around the castle of Mladá  Boleslav, more specifically in the location specified in the figure below:

The project is about to develop an adequate and architecturally interesting system to access the castle from the street, or from the museum which stands on the other side of the river.

In this case, the idea is to take advantage of the hill which remains just below the castle to create a gallery that integrates with the shape of the hill, becoming part of it as a crack as the picture below, and opening access to the main door of the castle to the picture that follows:

In this way, a gallery corridor would be created, allowing developing some activities on the interior, such as museums, exposition rooms or even stores.

The result would remain with a concept similar to the sketchy pictures as follows:

General view:

Outside perspective:

Concept's Plan:

Concept's elevation:


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